
Hey there! 👋

🔭 Like any ambitious learner, I like to float between pet projects to learn and to try new stuff. Currently, I'm working on:

  • Workle, a somewhat simple enterprise app designed specifically for my current company. It's written in Rails and styled with some Bootstrap and minimal JS.

  • Wod.link, a digital gym "whiteboard" for managing a group fitness gym's workouts, athlete performances, and members-only social network. It's an adaptation built alongside the Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial.

  • DashDashHelp, a community-driven web app for asking and answering questions while working through online course curriculum. It uses a Rails back-end and ERB templating for the front-end with a touch of Bootstrap.

  • Cover, an entirely customizable cover letter generator --- like madlibs for cover letters. Cover is a single-page application with a JavaScript front-end using a back-end Rails API.

🌱 I’m currently learning Ruby on Rails and ReactJS at the Flatiron School. I have also taken courses at CodeSmith to level up my JavaScript skills. I'm also finishing up Michael Hartl's very, very excellent Ruby on Rails Tutorial as part of his Learn Enough series. I highly recommend it!

⚡ I'm super interested in test-driven development, object-oriented design practices, and developer support engineering. I ❤️ debugging.

📝 Sometimes I write about cool stuff or share tips and tricks over on my blog. I also mentor for the Ruby track on Exercism.io.

💬 I have a Masters in Philosophy from the University of Houston. I love talking about analytic metaphysics, philosophy of language, and logical quantification. I've written about and given talks related to my work in fictional objects and ontology.

😄 My pronouns are he/him/his.

🏋️ Fun fact: I coach and compete in Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit!

📫 Hiring or just want to chat? Get in touch with me at twright@hey.com!